Special Group

Team SaptapadiSoulmate will maintain the list of profiles of Vadhu or Vara from the categories stated below without any filtration (as per Gotra/DoB/Height).

• Divorced

• Widow

• Widower

• Under graduates

• Person with challenge

Parents, well-wishers or by self (Vadhu/Vara) may initiate registration for this group by sending an email to saptapadi@kouchanindia.com Kindly note the following terms and conditions:

• Please send an email to saptapadi@kouchanindia.com along with a profile in PDF format.

• The PDF file should contain the details along with contact number and email id.

• No photo is published separately on www.saptapadisoulmate.com

• One-time registration fee is Rs. 600/- by way of bank transfer, the details of which will be informed by mail.

• The PDF profile will be published as received from the concerned person by email.

• No filters such as gotra, height or age are applied for the Special Group.

• Team SaptapadiSoulmate will revert within 2 working days of receipt of the amount in the bank.

• The profile after approved for Special Group will be visible on the home page.

• The registrant should contact the concerned person directly for further details, of horoscope and photo.

• Team SaptapadiSoulmate is not responsible for any verification or untoward incidents nor will mediate for any negotiations between the two families.

• After the marriage is fixed, kindly inform by mail or phone to 8317393771 to delete your profile from publishing.

• Team SaptapadiSoulmate reserves the right to approve a profile under Special Group which will be duly informed by return mail.

• If the profile doesn’t fit the Special Group, the team SaptapadiSoulmate will consider the profile for regular registration and matching process by the software. Guidelines will be provided to register such profiles by way of signing up. Payment for such cases should be done through the website.